Hi, I’m
I'm a web developer specializing in UI/UX, with a knack for CSS. I love building sleek, modern user experiences. I'm currently building great things at The Grossbauer Group.
// Here's my resume, Now in SCSS!
#education {
.college {
school: 'Purdue University';
degree: 'Bachelors of Science in Computer Graphics Technology';
timeline: calc(2010 - 2014);
#skills {
languages: 'HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, JavaScript, JSON, REST APIs, GraphQL, jQuery, PHP, Shopify\'s Liquid,';
software: 'Adobe Ai, Ps, Pr, Ae; iTerm, Sublime, MAMP, Insomnia,git';
.platforms {
&__shopify {
experience: '5 years; managing/creating multiple stores + 1 full ground-up theme development';
&__wordpress {
experience: '3 years of theme development & full site building. Primarily utilizing Twig via Timber and ACF integration';
&__laravel {
experience: '2 years of basic management, low knowledge of build/deployment';
#career {
.lead_web_developer {
company: 'The Grossbauer Group';
timeline: calc(2020 - );
.web_developer {
company: 'The Grossbauer Group';
timeline: calc(2017 - 2020);
.web_developer {
company: 'Royal Brush Mfg';
timeline: calc(2014 - 2017);
#hobbies {
outdoors: 'Snowboarding, Snowmobiling, & all around Car Enthusiast (JDM Fanboy)';
indoors: 'Acoustic Guitar, Heavy Metal Guitar, PC Gaming, PC building, Espresso Making';